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To support my patients’ health, I have found that specific supplements can be very beneficial. Please know that I have personally researched and tested these supplements, My recommendations are based on medical experience, not financial gain. Use the links below, or just click on the supplement image for each medical condition to order it through Amazon.

I’m happy to share previews of my videos for public access. Please consider joining the community as a member, you’ll get weekly videos offering recommendations on common medical conditions, and you can drop me an email any time for free medical advice. Plus you get a 10% discount on all in-person consultations. Click HERE to become a member at just $20/month.


Good morning,

This week I gave a talk on supplements to my community. Supplements enhance your regular diet to ensure a healthy supply of nutrients. Please note that I have personally researched and tested these supplements for several years and I base my recommendations on medical experience.

Here’s a quick handout with the most important supplements, and which brands to trust.



Pain is often a sign of a body on fire, so I’d like to start by giving you some tips on how to reduce inflammation. First, you need to sit back and look at what you’re eating, what medications you’re taking, and how you can get rid of your inflammation.

A good place to start is with a detox. Please watch my videos on detox protocols.

For chronic pain, CBD oil is extremely helpful. I prefer…

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For chronic pain
Click on the supplement to order it on Amazon


Over the last 20 years of practice, as a family medicine practitioner and now as a functional medicine expert, I can tell you that many people of all ages and all races have chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue has many causes, and not every supplement will fit every patient, but in my experience, there are a handful of supplements that are safe and effective for everyone.

The biggest bang for your buck is B12. Do not take B12 orally, because your body needs what’s called intrinsic factor, a protein produced in the stomach needed for maximal GI absorption of B12. To bypass that need

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For chronic fatigue
Click on the supplement to order it on Amazon


Here are my hacks for how to prevent and treat early stage bladder infections with supplements, I’ve done this over many years for both myself and my patients.

You should know that the most common type of bladder infection is E.Coli. To prevent the E.coli from sticking to the bladder lining, try D-Mannose powder–the active ingredient in cranberry. Drinking cranberry juice will help, but some people are sensitive to it, so I recommend the powder…

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For your bladder health
Click on the supplement to order it on Amazon


Gut issues are complicated to diagnose, so I highly recommend that you start by getting tests like stool testing or breath testing to find out what the underlying issues are–whether that is irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, crohn’s or something else.

There are specific classes of probiotics that help. If you do want to get probiotics through food, be mindful…

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For your gut health
Click on the supplement to order it on Amazon


Most cases of acid reflux and heartburn are caused by eating foods that you are sensitive to, which are often alcohol, chocolate, tomato sauce, spicy foods, or eating right before you lay down. So avoiding these helps a lot. If you’re curious about which foods you’re sensitive to, try a finger test like KBMO fit test that you can do at home. See the link below.

Here’s my first tip: before every meal, take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with apple juice or some other juice. I’ve had many patients …

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To relieve heartburn
Click on the supplement to order it on Amazon


If you struggle with focus and memory, committing to a lifestyle, diet, and exercise that aid cognitive decline is crucial. You can watch my video on the Bredesen Protocol for more details.

For mild attention deficit in children or age-related decline in sharpness, supplements can be beneficial. To enhance brain neurons, improving synapsis transmission is essential. Ginkgo and Gotu kola increase…

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To improve focus and memory
Click on the supplement to order it on Amazon


During our 20s and 30s, our bodies actively build and strengthen bones, reaching peak bone mass by our late 20s. However, as we age and especially during menopause for women, the decline of estrogen levels accelerates bone loss, leading to decreased bone density and an increased risk of osteoporosis in our 40s and beyond.

The main supplements for bone health are calcium and vitamin D, as well…

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For healthy bones
Click on the supplement to order it on Amazon