The case for Vitamin D

2024-07-15T15:55:06+00:00Blog, Supplements|

This time of year we all enjoy abit more sunlight, feeling the kiss of the sun on our skin can feel so good. We all know that our bodies synthesize vitamin D from sunlight, which is true. However, we all make vitamin D at different rates according to our genetics. And while the sun does deliver vitamin D, it [more]

About Supplements

2024-01-19T17:04:12+00:00Blog, Supplements|

Good morning, This week I gave a talk on supplements to my community. Supplements enhance your regular diet to ensure a healthy supply of nutrients. Here's a quick handout with the most important supplements, and which brands to trust. Please note that I have personally researched and tested these supplements for several years and I base my recommendations on [more]

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