Liver Cleanse 2023!


Every February my family, ie myself, husband and two kids do a two week liver cleanse together.  We have chosen the Designs for Health Vegecleanse 14 day detox for several reasons.  First, its easy to use.  The  box comes with single use packets of vitamin packed detox powder that you stir into water (or almond or coconut milk) twice daily.  [more]

A New Year!


Reflecting back on 2022, I am thankful.  This has been a year of stretching and new beginnings as I launched Way2HealthMD.  Years of squeezing too many patients into too little time, trying to give each one the attention and care they deserve yet never having nearly enough time had nearly broken me.  In 2021 I realized that my joy for [more]

Seasons Change


This May my son turned sixteen, and suddenly my anxiety levels soared!  Surprised by the tears running down my cheeks, I stood watching him pull out in a mild state of shock.  I remember being his age, the joy of that first drive by myself, my confidence in my driving skills, and my parents worrying.  How easy it is to [more]

A Fireside Evening

2022-01-25T15:17:36+00:00General, Meditations|

Old records that once belonged to my grandparents crooning, their static crackle here and there warming my soul.  I laugh at the album cover, a famous singer smoking away with gaudy gold rings on his fingers.  I imagine my grandparents playing these same songs, did they dance together or cook dinner and hum along?  The older I get the more [more]

Stepping outside “the box”


2022 has arrived and I am thankful!  This is a year of new birth for me as I move out of the traditional insurance model and family medicine to start my own business in functional medicine consulting.  It's exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time!  As a medical student I dreamed of being a family doctor in a small [more]

Lessons from a Lost Sheep


Pull over son, the neighbor’s sheep is out.” There standing in the road ahead of us is a woolly very forlorn looking sheep pacing back-and-forth in front of a closed metal pasture gate. She obviously escaped through a hole in the fence that I cannot see and now regrets her wily escape. I quickly unlatch the gate and stand back, [more]

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