Old records that once belonged to my grandparents crooning, their static crackle here and there warming my soul.  I laugh at the album cover, a famous singer smoking away with gaudy gold rings on his fingers.  I imagine my grandparents playing these same songs, did they dance together or cook dinner and hum along?  The older I get the more I want to feel connected to them and experience life as they did.  What hardships did they suffer, what achievements, joys and losses?  What a unique time in life.  To feel so close to the past, sense its ever so slowly increasing lure and yet still be striving for the future.  I wish I had their wisdom and experience to draw upon, those generations that came before.  How much wisdom have we lost in our age of technological advance?  Is our greatest achievement simultaneously our greatest bane?  My favorite evenings are those spent gathered around a crackling fire playing games, working puzzles, reading aloud Wordsworth and Keats.  In our efforts to advance as a society let us not lose our humanity, our intimacy, our communion together.  Let us set an example for those that will follow of how to invest in each other, setting down our devices to be together and share life together.  These are the moments that bind us together, these are the memories I will cherish forever.