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So far lisa has created 96 blog entries.

Sleep Supplements

2024-01-04T16:11:37+00:00Blog, Sleep, Supplements|

Supplements for better sleep Several members have asked me to do a video about supplements to help people sleep. it is so important for your health to get good sleep, and there are several supplements I keep by my bedside. As with all supplements, I have tested these over time. Here are my tricks: First and foremost, magnesium is [more]

Supplements for Covid issues


COVID issues: vaccines Today I want to briefly give you the 6 supplements that I recommend if you’ve chosen to have a covid vaccine. The vaccine can be life saving, and most people do very well with it. A small number do experience side effects such as vascular inflammation or heart inflammation –symptoms also observed on a much [more]

Liver Cleanse 2023!


Every February my family, ie myself, husband and two kids do a two week liver cleanse together.  We have chosen the Designs for Health Vegecleanse 14 day detox for several reasons.  First, its easy to use.  The  box comes with single use packets of vitamin packed detox powder that you stir into water (or almond or coconut milk) twice daily.  [more]

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